Museum Hours:
Exhibits available during Burke Lakefront
Airport hours.

Office and
Research Center:

M-Sat. 10am - 4pm.   Admission is FREE

Museum office and research center are closed most major holidays, with the exception of Labor Day.



Images Left to Right: 1929 Air Race, Bessie Coleman, IWASM location, Sheila Scott

Edna Gardner Whyte

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Edna Gardner Whyte was born in Garden City, Minnesota on November 2, 1902.  She was inspired to fly by newspaper articles describing the exploits of Katherine and Marjorie Stinson.  She received her private pilot's license in 1929.  She joined the Navy's nursing corps and in 1931, while stationed at a hospital in Newport, Rhode Island, she met Amelia Earhart.  Earhart was recruiting women pilots for the 99s and Edna was a charter member.  She last saw Earhart in May of 1937, shortly before she left for her flight around the world.  Edna pursued a career in aviation but no one would hire her.  She decided to become a flight instructor, successfully expanding her business over time.  At the start of World War II the Navy sent her to train pilots at Meacham Field in Texas.  She served as a nurse in the Philippines in 1944.  After the war she started Aero Enterprises, a flight training school for war veterans who wanted to become pilots.  She once again built up her business, expanding with great success.  At the age of 44 Edna fell in love with George Whyte, one of the flight instructors she'd hired.  They were married and ran Aero Enterprises together.  After George's death Edna fulfilled their dream of building and owning and airport.  In 1972 she opened Aero Valley Airport, where she logged more than 33,000 hours and instructed nearly 5,000 students.  Edna served for several years as an IWASM trustee.  She died on February 15, 1992. 

Edna is featured on the 3 of Clubs in the IWASM Historical Deck of Playing Cards.



  IWASM is generously funded by Cuyahoga County residents through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture


International Women's Air & Space Museum

Burke Lakefront Airport, Room 165, 1501 North Marginal Road
Cleveland, OH 44114
Call: 1.216.623.1111 or FAX: 1.216.623.1113

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