Since the Wright Brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk, Ohio women have made significant contributions in aviation and space. They have set records, flown around the world, served the country in war, walked in space, and so much more.
American women donned aviation togs and risked their lives to fly, even before earning the right to vote. Blanche Stuart Scott was the first American woman to fly, achieving this distinction 100 years ago, in 1910. For years women struggled for the opportunities easily afforded men in air & space. Although the motivations to fly varied from woman to woman, there is no doubt that the efforts of our earliest female aviators opened up opportunities for today's women.
We have chosen to celebrate Ohio women for their past and present contributions in aviation and space, hoping to inspire future generations of high-flying females from the Buckeye State.
List of our 100 Ohio Women in Air & Space
Support provided by the Ohio Humanities Council, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Additional support provided by Artists Studios, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
Attention Ohio Libraries...A traveling version of 100 Ohio Women in Air & Space is available at no cost to you. For more information, click here!

IWASM is generously funded by Cuyahoga County residents through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture